The Bezos Family Match, CTB, and You: New Year News from Steve Katsouros, S.J.

Dear Friends,

Last month, I announced a challenge issued by the Bezos Family—a challenge during a challenging time. The Bezoses challenged Come to Believe (CTB) to raise $100,000–and if that occurred, they would match that amount, dollar for dollar.

I shared that challenge with you on December 3rd, and by December 28th, we reached $200,000!

When I informed the Bezoses how you generously responded to their generosity, they said, “Congratulations, Father! There is obviously a hunger out there for your idea of community colleges available to all...Let’s get them built. Your business plan is converging with the desire for existing universities to offer affordable options.”

Your gifts to CTB allow my colleague Susan Conniff and me to continue to subsidize our support to universities—we are currently working with three—who are considering replicating our model on their campuses. Your gifts to CTB also also allow us to begin to build out our organization so that we can reach our goal—ten two-year colleges for first gen, Pell eligible/undocumented students in five years. As the Bezoses say, let’s get them built!


We are meeting these challenges because of the Bezoses and you. Thank you. 

God’s blessings,

Steve Katsouros, S.J.

President and CEO

Come to Believe Network

New York, New York



Our founder, Steve Katsouros, SJ, in the Spring 2021 issue of Conversations On Jesuit Higher Education..


A good challenge in terribly challenging times